by kankalin | Apr 23, 2018 | Development
Affordable housing is housing deemed affordable to those with a median household income as rated by country, State (province), region or municipality by a recognized Housing Affordability Index. In Australia, the National Affordable Housing Summit Group developed...
by kankalin | Apr 23, 2018 | Development
Urban renewal, which is generally called urban regeneration (“regeneration” in the United Kingdom), “revitalization” in the United States, is a program of land redevelopment in areas of moderate to high density urban land use. Renewal has had...
by kankalin | Mar 23, 2018 | Development
Zoning describes the control by authority which designates legal areas in a municipality to permit and prohibit land uses. Zoning may specify a variety of outright and conditional uses of land. It may also indicate the size and dimensions of land area as well as the...
by kankalin | Mar 23, 2018 | Development
Public transport (also known as public transportation, public transit, or mass transit) is a shared passenger-transport service which is available for use by the general public, as distinct from modes such as taxicab, carpooling, hired buses, and transportation...
by kankalin | Feb 23, 2018 | Development
Urban planning is a technical and political process concerned with the development and use of land, planning permission, protection and use of the environment, public welfare, and the design of the urban environment, including air, water, and the infrastructure...